Local interpretive guidance and support across Europe
Differing interpretations and procedures between EU member states challenge importers and exporters, but we are here to help.

We offer support for a variety of programmes designed to improve your compliance outcomes and reduce your duty outlays.
Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)
AEO status can significantly improve the impact of your compliance programme.
Special Procedures Support
Lower your duties paid by leveraging Inward Processing Relief, Outward Processing Relief, or customs warehousing regimes.
Binding Tariff Information
Ensure that your goods have an accurate commodity code in advance of importation.
Intrastat Management
Confirm that your Intrastat declarations are timely and accurately submitted across the European Union.
Customs Audit Support
Understand your risks of noncompliance before your company is subject to audit. Effectively prepare for a scheduled audit.

How to Prepare for Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, or CBAM, is a tool implemented by the European Union to address climate change. It puts a price tag on the carbon emissions tied to certain goods coming into the EU from other countries. This aims to level the playing field for European producers who face stricter environmental regulations. By making imports account for their carbon footprint, CBAM discourages businesses from moving production to countries with less stringent environmental policies in order to avoid costs. In the long run, the EU hopes CBAM will push global industries to adopt cleaner practices.
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Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in the EU Flyer
By January 2026, importers will also be required to pay for emissions outside the European Union (EU). The scope of products covered will gradually expand, including all imports into the EU by 2034. Learn how this could affect your business.
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